
 Welcome to Mighty Max Forever! I've been a fan of Mighty Max ever since I was a little kid. The majority of my collection of Doom Zones, Horror Heads, Shrunken Heads, large playsets, etc. are from when I collected them as a child. 

Mighty Max Doom Zone Skull Dungeon Open Vintage Toys Frankenstein

Somehow I managed to save them, and they're miraculously still in good shape all these years later! 

The Mighty Max cartoon show has unfortunately never been officially re-released to DVD, Blu-Ray, or digital format. You can find the series on YouTube, and there are some nice remastered episodes from the first season, but it's sad to say that many of the later episodes from season 2 are in poor quality ripped from VHS tapes recorded off of a television broadcast. 

Both the toy series and cartoon show featured unique elements that really made them stand out, and that's why they hold up today with a cult following of nostalgic fans. Since the series is so little known and almost lost to time, I wanted to share some of the magic of Mighty Max with the world, in hopes of revitalizing fans and teaching newcomers why this series is so cherished.

So thanks for joining us here at Mighty Max Forever! Drop a comment down below about your interest in Mighty Max.


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